Wholemeal Soda Bread

After the success of my first attempt at soda bread, I thought I’d spend this morning experimenting with a wholemeal version.  I occasionally buy Ian Rankin Brown Soda Bread (when it is reduced in price) and my loaf turned out pretty similar – but doesn’t contain the added preservatives, emulsifier and colour of the shop-bought version.  It’s simple to… Continue reading Wholemeal Soda Bread

Super Soda Bread

Yesterday evening both the house and myself were feeling cold.  The solution: stick the oven on and bake. Less than an hour later I was sitting down in a warmer house with a bowl of mushroom soup and slices of my very own warm-from-the-oven soda bread… i had been meaning to make some since tasting my friend’s amazing efforts in… Continue reading Super Soda Bread

Herby Italian Hearthbreads: GBBO bread week

Bread, mmm… The background I am reading through my cookbooks looking for bread-making inspiration when my heart nearly skips a beat: In How to Be a Domestic Goddess, Nigella describes her ‘Garlic and parsley hearthbreads’ as a little like a cross between a naan bread and focaccia.  (To me, bread doesn’t get any better than that!)  I am also intrigued by the… Continue reading Herby Italian Hearthbreads: GBBO bread week